Hippocampus Association Mar Menor

The Hippocampus Association is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) working in the Mar Menor lagoon since 2007 to study seahorse populations.
The association consists of a group of volunteers working and promoting citizen science to gather underwater information about the ecosystem dynamics in the Region of Murcia’s Mar Menor.
There are monthly field work trips for certified divers willing to join them for collecting this valuable data and there is also a training session for newcomers, usually held in early April each year, but some extra training could be arranged.

Seahorse populations are in danger worldwide and Hippocampus are trying to monitor this population in the Mar Menor to evaluate possibilities for recovery, but first it is important to follow up the marine ecosystem evolution and the lagoon water status.
They sign agreements with government and private institutions which are legally responsible and interested in marine management, and they accept support from different organisations and individuals to carry out their activities, caring about seahorses as their main purpose.
Project Plumbum
The Hippocampus Association has started a new project called Project Plumbum – www.proyectoPlumbum.com – which is basically collecting lead (Pb) from the seabottom and coming mainly from fishing activities to avoid the presence of heavy metal in marine environments, and at the same time, to recover this valuable material to reincorporate it into the production/manufacture cycle again as a clear example of the circular economy. Divers are also welcome to join this project.

You are welcome to join the mission. Volunteer and participate in positive marine hands-on activities and learn about marine biodiversity protection.
Contact details: Visit their social media, or write an email to info@asociacionhippocampus.com
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